Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy outlines how we utilize cookies and similar technologies on our website, (“Bellefour”), to enhance user experience. This policy clarifies the function of these technologies, our reasons for using them, and how you can manage your preferences.

Cookies, small text files, are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are commonly used to ensure website efficiency, enhance functionality, and gather analytics data.

We employ both “first party cookies,” set by us, and “third party cookies,” set by external services adding features like advertising, interactive content, and analytics. These third parties may track your device across different websites.

Our use of cookies serves various purposes. Essential cookies are vital for our website’s technical operations. We also utilize cookies to remember preferences and improve user experience. Third parties may use cookies on our site for advertising and analytical purposes.

You have control over cookie usage. Our Cookie Consent Manager, accessible via a banner on our website, enables you to set preferences. Essential cookies, required for our services, cannot be declined.

Opting out of cookies may limit website functionality, though access remains available. Cookie settings can also be managed through your browser. To opt out of targeted advertising, visit websites like and

Our website uses essential cookies for specific services and features such as secure area access.

Additionally, we may utilize other tracking technologies like web beacons to monitor website interactions or email engagement, aiding in understanding user behavior. These technologies typically rely on cookies to operate.

Furthermore, we may employ Flash Cookies or Local Shared Objects (LSOs) to store information related to service usage, fraud prevention, and other operational purposes.